Salesforce User Community Event | Brno


In the middle of April this year the 1st Salesforce User Community Event took place in Brno where I had the opportunity to present one presentation. Kuba Hlahulek from Brno Merkle took the whole organization under his thumb and I must say that the event was a success. Let's give a brief recap.

How did it go?

I daresay it was standard. The whole event was scheduled for six o'clock, when the participants gradually started to gather. The refreshments were ready and the advantage was that you could refresh yourself with beer (wink wink Martin H. :)).

The beginning of the event was taken over by Kuba, who gave all the necessary information about the organization and the presenters. Brief, concise and clear. In short, as it should be. The whole event was held in English because the audience was international.

After the introductory words, the space was dedicated to me and the presentation of 4 useful applications that can be found on AppExchange. Yes, I stole a few of my articles. Anyway, these are the apps described here and also here. In retrospect, thanks again for everyone's questions and attention!

Petr Novotný from DragonFly took over the following session. Petr presented a very interesting solution on how to build a custom JIRA in Salesforce using only automation tools and two basic packages from AppExchange. I must say that the solution is interesting and I look forward to further development of this product. Fingers crossed!

And finally, the best part! Marta Burjanova from Merkle presented her solution for localization of Salesforce Surveys. There's no point in going into too much detail, because Marta described it all in her article, which is published on Salesfroce Ben.

And at the end, we sat down for refreshments, beer or wine and enjoyed some more networking!

Thanks for the opportunity to come, thanks for the organization and if possible I will definitely make another trip to the next event.